Learn common English words quickly and efficiently.
This application is simple and easy to use. It creates a sense of excitement about learning, and increase your vocabulary fast.
👌All words has been translated into hindi.
👌This app can use offline mode.
👌 Simple Clean & Innovative UI
👌 Select and add Words to 'favorites' and can read them later
👌 You can share Life Hack on Social media and in other chat apps
Thanks for downloading.
Your comments, suggestions are most welcome.
If there is an issue or feature request, please send us an email.
Please don't forget to provide us your valuable reviews and suggestions. It helps us to improve.
Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free of charge for informational purposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose. Use at your own risk.
All logos, images and names are copyright of their respective owners. All the logos,images and names are used in this app are just for identification and educational purpose only. Any request to remove one of the logos, images and names will be honored.
Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.
Pelajari kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang umum dengan cepat dan efisien.
Aplikasi ini sederhana dan mudah digunakan. Ini menciptakan rasa kegembiraan tentang belajar, dan meningkatkan kosakata Anda dengan cepat.
👌Semua kata telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa hindi.
👌Aplikasi ini dapat menggunakan mode offline.
👌 UI Bersih & Inovatif Sederhana
👌 Pilih dan tambahkan Kata-kata ke 'favorit' dan dapat membacanya nanti
👌 Anda dapat membagikan Life Hack di media sosial dan di aplikasi obrolan lainnya
Terima kasih telah mengunduh.
Komentar Anda, saran sangat kami harapkan.
Jika ada masalah atau permintaan fitur, silakan kirim email kepada kami.
Tolong jangan lupa untuk memberi kami ulasan dan saran berharga Anda. Ini membantu kita untuk meningkat.
Penafian: Data yang dikumpulkan disediakan gratis untuk tujuan informasi saja, tanpa jaminan apa pun untuk keakuratan, validitas, ketersediaan, atau kesesuaian untuk tujuan apa pun. Gunakan dengan risiko Anda sendiri.
Semua logo, gambar, dan nama adalah hak cipta dari pemiliknya masing-masing. Semua logo, gambar, dan nama yang digunakan dalam aplikasi ini hanya untuk identifikasi dan tujuan pendidikan saja. Setiap permintaan untuk menghapus salah satu logo, gambar, dan nama akan dihormati.
Merek dagang dan merek adalah milik dari pemiliknya masing-masing.
Learn common English words quickly and efficiently.
This application is simple and easy to use. It creates a sense of excitement about learning, and increase your vocabulary fast.
👌All words has been translated into hindi.
👌This app can use offline mode.
👌 Simple Clean & Innovative UI
👌 Select and add Words to 'favorites' and can read them later
👌 You can share Life Hack on Social media and in other chat apps
Thanks for downloading.
Your comments, suggestions are most welcome.
If there is an issue or feature request, please send us an email.
Please don't forget to provide us your valuable reviews and suggestions. It helps us to improve.
Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free of charge for informational purposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose. Use at your own risk.
All logos, images and names are copyright of their respective owners. All the logos,images and names are used in this app are just for identification and educational purpose only. Any request to remove one of the logos, images and names will be honored.
Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.